Monday, February 8, 2010

The Actual Value of Green Retrofits and Remodels

This article was submitted by GBCGC member David Watkins. The article is by By Steve Hargreaves, staff writer for Yahoo! Finance, on Thursday February 4, 2010, 12:39 pm EST

This is a problem that the green-home movement faces on the whole... despite being the right thing to do for personal and environmental reasons, spending money to make a home more energy efficient does not make financial sense in the short-term. Home appraisals and the value they assign to energy-efficiency (or lack thereof) is the main offender.

Click here to read this article

1 comment:

Stan O'Brien said...

This is an extremely frustrating situation. Maybe the green building movement is just too young and has not been able to communicate the true benefits behind this next level of building science. To me, its seems like there is a lack of education to the appraisers, banking industry, and the public. When the value of these upgrades are understood by everyone, hopefully then, will the appraisals reflect the true price of these homes.

Let's join together and try and get the education to the people who need it.