The Green Building Council of Greater Columbia strives to make the vast and often times confusing world of green building easier to understand and participate in by educating builders and the public about the techniques and processes of building green. The council regularly hosts educational sessions, workshops and meetings on the topic, but now we have a new method of instruction: on-line videos.
The new Video Learning Center at the council website (click here to visit) features videos from council members on the techniques and tests used in building green or high-performance homes, and products touted as being green. Viewers can learn more about the blower-door test used to determine a building's HERS score, how insulation works, and techniques for sealing a home.
The Video Learning Center is brand new and features 15 videos from Claude St. Hilaire of Home Energy Group talking about various building techniques and tests. We plan to add more videos on a variety of topics throughout the year.
Thursday, January 3, 2013
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